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Bind Personalized Business Card with NFC

Bind Personalized Business Card with NFC

Founded in 2016, Bind is the first ever insurance company that offers an on-demand health insurance model. The on-demand structure means that you pay for the additional coverage when you need it and adjust your coverage when those needs change. It eliminates the excess fees people pay for health insurance. Bind promotes an on-demand health plan using bigDAWGS’ NFC Business Card. The content will automatically run and open just by simply tapping your NFC-enabled mobile device. You can customize on what displays on your NFC product when tapped. It can be a website, your social media accounts, an online video or your personal contact details. Visit to see more of our products!

New to bigDAWGS?

Our customers come to us for printed marketing material like our videoCARDS (video LCD brochures), soundCARDS (sound module greeting cards) and patented webBC slideouts (USB business cards).

Contact us for more information regarding how you can improve your marketing power with bigDAWGS.

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