SB&T Imports Customized Video Business Card
SB&T Imports has been in the jewelry industry for over 40 years. They are a family owned business that provides independent retail jewelers exquisite and high quality products. In addition, they also help you grow your business through their marketing tools and techniques. SB&T Imports is using bigDAWGS’ Video Greeting Cards to promote their new marketing and advertising program. To learn more on how you can participate, visit sbtimports.com now!
- Emilee G.
- June 9, 2020
New to bigDAWGS?
Our customers come to us for printed marketing material like our videoCARDS (video LCD brochures), soundCARDS (sound module greeting cards) and patented webBC slideouts (USB business cards).
Contact us for more information regarding how you can improve your marketing power with bigDAWGS.
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